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Boilie mix kilo price
and nutrition calculator

With this boilie calculator you can calculate the nutritional value of your boilie mix (protein and fat). And also the kilo price in Euro's.

Tip: Email for suggestions/additions/other ingredients or percentages.

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Nutritional value of boilie mix
In my opinion, the most ideal ratio for carp bait is 28-38% proteins, 8-13% fats and 2-5% vitamin / minerals (vitamin / mineral containing ingredient of total). About 45-55% Carbohydrates remain. So HNV boilies. Or rather SNV: 'sufficient nutritional value'.

I am thinking in particular of baiting up on nutrient-rich water (and reasonable temperatures). Water where the fish has a choice of whether or not to eat your boilies. In overpopulated "hunger waters" one can catch carp by feeding them crap boilies or maize but who wants to fish there?

Even if you don't believe in high nutritional value. So does not believe in the "gift" carp have to determine whether food adequately meets their nutritional needs. Then it's still smart to put some nutrients in the boilie mix.

The more you pre-bait and the more the carp is becoming dependant on your bait the better your boilie should be. The new phenomenon of bulk feed boilies is therefore total rubbish. Boilies for €30,- per 20 kg. They should actually be better and more expensive as instant boilies. I don't want them for free.

What else...?
The calculator uses percentages from the internet (i.a. this page) and from packaging. This can always differ slightly with your boilie mix ingredients. It is not easy for the correct nutritional values of an ingredient to be determined because there is a lot of baloney to find about this subject.

Even if your boilie mix has (approximately) reached these ratios, it does not mean that the bait catches well. There are a lot more factors that more or less play a major role. The digestibility is an important one (carefull with gluten). The taste too, taste is very important. If the boilie does not taste well, it is tasted and spit out. 1 incorrect ingrediënt or combination of ingredients can cause this. Also watch out for an ingrediënt overdose. The weight, the texture, the solubility, the hardness, freshness, the net protein utilization, or NPU of your proteins, the rollability, the price, is it easy to obtain? Sometimes even shape or size is important. These are all things the home boilie maker must take into account.

That is why it is much easier to order a ready-made frozen ball or boilie mix. But questions such as why do I pay 5x too much or what is actually in these boilie mixes are bound to emerge. Those who want to know what they are using and who also enjoy catching with a (unique) homemade boilie, for those people this tool is intended.

Koi food
If you make your own Koi food, or make part of what you feed yourself, you may also benefit. It has been researched that the ideal Koi food contains 38.5% protein. Probably too low for small Koi carp that have yet to grow. And too high for cold water. Anyway ... it is just a guide number. The net protein utilization will still differ per product. It's best to use fishmeal. Remember that animal proteins (from fish) and vegetable fats are the better choice. Shrimp meal and sodium caseinate are ingredients that help keep the food floating.

Behind the ingredient you'll find the percentage of protein (P) and fat (F) used. And hover over it for the max. dosage and other comments. The tool is using percentages as you can see, so you need some scales.

Email for suggestions/additions/other ingredients or percentages.

Boilies without eggs
Fresh eggs will always make your boilie mix more rollable, but it is not very convenient and eggs are expensive and time consuming. And frozen eggs cannot always be trusted, especially in the summer when it is hot.

So the thing you can try is egg compound EP60. I have tried this, but my mix is soft and without semolina or other coarse grains. So I made and tested the following combination and I like it. It is a bit more expensive as egg-compound, but that's probably because of the proportions.

3% egg-albumin
5% whole egg powder
6% plasma powder (white cell)

Is there such a thing as the absolute best boilie?
I think it certainly exists. If you look at all factors as an average. So the average carp, with the average age, in an average fishing water, with average water temperatures etc etc. If you look at it that way, there is definitely a "best" boilie possible. And that's the base mix you should strive for. Variations on this with seasonings and / or flavour are always possible.

- The price is also part of this. Is it cheap enough to be able to pre-bait with it? It is quite pointless to role a boilie that is too expensive to pre-bait.
- The nutritional value. Is it high enough to use it for a longer period of time.
- The taste
- Digestibility
- Is it hard enough and resistant to lobster and small fish? (doesn't have to be 100% because seeing eating makes eating) that's no English but maybe you get the point.
- Is your boilie soft enough to leak flavour and instant attraction?
- etc etc.

Calculate other boilie recipes
Many recipes are written in grams or parts of something instead of as a percentage of the total. I never understood that but well... In those cases, use the following example:

500 grams of ingredient a
200 grams of ingredient b
100 grams of ingredient c

Total is 800 grams

1000 grams/800 = 1.25

1.25 x 500 = 625
1.25 x 200 = 250
1.25 x 100 = 125

And divide by 10

625/10 = 62.5%
250/10 = 25%
125/10 = 12.5%

Add percentages to get to 100%   smile

If you have finished calculating after hours of scrolling percentages, do not forget about making a screenshot.

Tight lines...

1 %   per kg
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16 %   per kg

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